Thursday, October 27, 2016

Blog 10

1) Pernicious effects is defined in this essay as women that get too much money get neglectful of of their child and pass them off to a babysitter. They need to be financially stable without the help of a man.
2) No because women with property, according to the essay, get selfish when they have money and property and women without that are more compassionate.
3) It causes them to be more reliant on men to provide for them, but if they were given more freedom then we would find out they could be great partners and friends in life.
4) Jonathan Kozol believed in diversified schools in order to obtain a better education. The diversity would expose the students to more and encourage them to learn from each other, not only about what is going on in class, but about the culture that comes from a diverse school system.
5) Woodson means that in the "Negro" school systems, they are not teaching about the history of the "Negros". They teach them about the Hebrews, the Greek, the Latin and the Teuton, but hardly any schools educated them about their own culture.
Image result for wollstonecraft  Image result for Kozol    Image result for carter g woodson

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Blog 9

1) The basis of scientific pedagogy for Montessori is based on the observations of kids from the time they are young into adulthood.
Image result for montessori
2) The furniture is meant to promote independent thinking, freedom within reason, but establish order as well.
3) Freedom will have a good effect on a child, as long as it is reasonable and does not harm others.
4) "Thinking in education" simply means to use critical thinking in order to figure something out. Hands on experience is the best way to make this last.
5) The lessons need to appeal to the students and hands on activities are also necessary.
6)Dewey supports experience and hand on activities, as well as interesting lessons and problem solving and observation skills present.
Image result for dewey

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Blog 8

1) Smith thought like a capitalist and thought that measuring a nations wealth based on what that country could produce, Known today as GDP, rather than the amount of gold or silver they had. This makes sense because If a country has poor living quality for its citizens, but a lot of gold, then that would be a false representation of the true wealth of that country. He explains how a small town can benefit the country and how that can both hurt or help that small town. This makes sense because this is how nations grow, through the small things that will add up over time.
Image result for adam smith

2)  Today, a secure investment would be a nice home to properly represent ones wealth. Land can still represent wealth, just not as common as back then. A home is something that one will show off to represent wealth. It can also be used to boast about how much money one is making.
3) Attention should first be focused on agriculture because that is the fuel for most citizens and one cannot have manufacturing without a steady food supply. However, I believe that in today's society, being a farmer is becoming less and less desirable and more attention is being focused towards manufacturing. This is because there is more benefits like healthcare when you work for someone else, rather than on a farm.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

blog 7

1) From my experiences, America is both wealthy and poor, it is up to the people make a life for themselves. There are  many examples of affluence, such as solid school systems and many businesses that people have started. Things that quality as affluence are nice homes, successful businesses, quality roadways, good public schools and proper public safety. Results of affluence are a happy society that for the most part gets along and can resolve conflicts peacefully.
Image result for affluent
2) The government should be there as a back up plan for people. They should not totally rely on the government for support because then there would not be enough people paying taxes and the government would run out of money and then everyone would be out of luck. The government should be there simply as a cushion to get people back on their feet in the case of one losing their job or something of that nature.
Image result for government cushion cartoon